Psychfest 2024

Following tradition, Psychfest is an annual event where second-year MA and new PhD students present their research to the entire department. It’s the only opportunity for students to share their work with everyone in the Psychology department—a rare and exciting occasion for each student.

2024 | May 2 & 3

The theme for this year is Outside of Psychology.


Schedule of Events

DAY 1: MAY 2

2:45 pm   |  Welcome/Opening Remarks   

3:00 pm   |  Keynote talk — Dr. Pilyoung Kim

4:00 pm   |  Questions and discussion


DAY 2: MAY 3

10:45 am   |  Welcome/Opening Remarks   

11:00 am   |  Symposium 1

11:45 am   |  15-minute break 

12:00 pm  |  Symposium 2

12:45 pm  |  Lunch break

2:00 pm   Symposium 3

2:45 pm   |  15-minute break 

3:00 pm   Symposium 4

3:45 pm   Wrap-Up

4:00 pm   BOH


Important Links

Please RSVP here by April 11th.

Psychfest 2024 Program


Invited Keynote Speaker

How Stress Impacts the Brains of Two Generations: New Parents and Infants

Dr. Pilyoung Kim University of Denver | Family and Child Neuroscience Lab

Pregnancy and the first postpartum year are critical periods for both parents and infants. The brain development of infants during these periods is unparalleled in any other life stage. The brains of parents also undergo dynamic morphological and functional changes that support the transition to parenthood. Due to the high plasticity of the brains during these periods, both infants and parents are sensitive to environmental influences. Unfortunately, some of the parents and their infants are exposed to severe stress. For example, experiencing poverty increases the risk for parents and infants of encountering severe stress. Living in poverty has been associated with increased risks for parental psychopathology and negative infant outcomes. In this talk, I will present evidence of how stressful environments during the prenatal and postnatal periods may influence the well-being of both parents and infants from a neuroscience perspective. First, I will discuss how early positive parent-infant relationships play a critical role in supporting infant brain development, but poverty and stress can disrupt normative neural adaptation to parenthood. Second, I will present evidence for how the stress experienced by parents during pregnancy can be transmitted to fetuses and influence parent-infant brain synchrony. Third, I will discuss ways to support the well-being of parent-child dyads, including the use of generative artificial intelligence.

Past Psychfest Themes:

2023: When I Grow Up…
2022: Lord of the Rings
2021: Cyber(punk) Chic
2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19
2019: Psychapalooza: Peace, Love, and Psychology
2018: Star Wars
2017: RealTalk
2016: The 90s
2015: Villains
2014: Game Shows
2013: Classic Video Game Characters
2012: Hollywood/Celebrities
2011: Monster Mash
2010: Rockstar
2009: Star Wars/Star Trek
2008: Austin Powers
2007: Super Psychfest (Superheroes)
2006: Mardi Gras Style