The GSC welcomes all students who are enrolled in a psychology graduate program, or who are enrolled in another program (e.g. neuroscience) and who are supervised by a faculty member in the psychology department.
GSC Members 2023-2024
- Co-Presidents:
Julia Nakamura (
& Lydia Ong (
- Treasurer: Edwina Picon (
- Ombudsperson/Grad Advisor Liaison: Nikki Stuart (
- Area Representatives:
- Behavioural Neuroscience: TBD
- Clinical: Caroline Miller (
- Cognitive: Andre Zamani ( & Omran Safi (
- Developmental: Zahra Abolghasem (
- Health: Nikki Stuart (
- Quantitative: Malina Lemmons (
- Social/Personality: Irein Thomas (
- Teaching/Graduate Finance Representative: Andre Zamani (
- GSS Representative: Erica Dharmawan (
- IT Representative: Hin Fu (
- Undergraduate & Graduate Curriculum Representative: Talia Morstead (
- Safety Representative: Alexander Cook (
- MA1 Representative: TBD
- Postdoc Representative: TBD
- Annual Departmental Report Representative: TBD
- Social Coordinators: Nick Kay (, Alannah Wallace (, Nikki Stuart ( & Hin Fu (
- Fundraising Coordinator: Hin Fu (
- Website Coordinator: Melanie Butt (
- Colloquium Committee: Zahra Abolghasem ( & Sakshi Sahakari (
- Graduate Admissions Committee: Nikki Stuart (, Talia Morstead ( & Zahra Abolghasem (
- Recruitment Committee: Nikki Stuart (Co-Head) (, Jess Lee (Co-Head) (, Zahra Abolghasem (, Sakshi Sahakari ( & Gabrielle Ibasco (
- PsychFest Committee: Melanie Butt (, Brandon Forys ( & Jess Lee (
- Climate Action Committee: Omran Safi (
- Space Committee: Omran Safi (